Commissioning a Bow
Every bow is unique and I can customize one for you, from cutting and splitting the log to applying the final coat of oil.
Wood species: Osage Orange, White Oak, Eastern Hop Hornbeam, Mulberry, White Ash, Black Walnut, Black Cherry, Sugar Maple, Black Locust.
Bow styles: Straight Stave , Reflex/Deflex, and Character Bows, all with Horn Tip overlays.
You choose the wood and style and I’ll tailor the bow to your Draw Length and Draw Weight.
This wooden bow will become your companion at the range, in the field, or in the woods.
Bow orders include 2 arrows.
To contact us about your dream bow:
Arrows for Sale
Sitka Spruce arrow shaft with turkey and goose wing fletching, spined to match your bow and tightly grouped by grain weight. The perfect compliment to a wooden bow.

Single Arrow
$40 (+HST)
Set of 6 Arrows
$190 (+HST)
Set of 12 Arrows
$300 (+HST)
About the Bowyer
A bow was about connecting with Nature. The modern, cold materials of fiber glass and pulleys just didn't feel right. The bow had to be of wood.
From that first White Ash Straight Bow years ago to gnarly Osage Orange bows today, there is something deep inside that says "This Is Real".