Red Hill Archery
Traditional Archery & Bow-Making Courses
About Red Hill Archery
For the love of wooden bows. Red Hill Archery exists to bring the ancient art of bow-making into the modern world, so we might shoot a bow as our ancestors did.
Bow-Making Courses
Courses designed to teach the empowering art of wooden bow-making to the absolute beginner. Feel the satisfaction of hitting the target with a bow made by your own hands.
Bows & Arrows
There is a spirit that lives in traditional archery that is more than nailing a target or tagging game. It is olde-tyme woodcraft that connects us to our ancestors who met nature on level ground.
Classes & Workshops

Private Group Events
Modified courses are available to accommodate larger numbers of participants, your own location, schedule, family, friends, or organization.

Arrow-Making Workshop
Learn to make the highest quality arrows with natural materials. Bring self-sufficiency into your archery practice. Never buy an arrow again.

Bowstring-Making Workshop
Endless Loop or Flemish Twist. These styles of string have stood the test of time.
Available upon request & by appointment only.
Call Us
(905) 572 3830